Unlimited GB Hosting India

Inway Hosting - Unlimited Web Hosting Features (India)

Unlimited Disk Space India Web Space on Powerful server Unlimited email Hosting Professional Email Accounts Unlimited Bandwidth Hosting India Trouble Free Data Transfer
Web Site Builder India FREE Website Builder hot Web Hosting Support Hosting Assistance & Support tools CGI, Ruby), Perl, PHP, MySQL
control panel Free Control Panel hot Unlimited Sub domains India SSL, FTP, Statshot www FREE Domain for life*(Unlimited +) hot
Unlimited Hosting Signup
Unlimited Hosting India is Freedom for Hosting. Inway Hosting provides A to Z essentials of Web Hosting needs. Either a individual or a business owner can create website in minutes. The desrire of fully functional freedom hosting on cheap prices is made possible by Inway Hosting UNLIMITED GB Web Hosting (India)
Features Details
Unlimited Hosting India
Web Space on Powerful servers Yes
Hosted Domains Allowed Unlimited*
IMAP/Secure IMAP Email Accounts Unlimited
International Domain Names Yes
POP3/POP3 Secure Email Accounts Yes
Forwarding Email Accounts Yes
Email Autoresponder Yes
Add-on Domains Yes
Parked Domains Yes
IMAP/Secure IMAP Email Accounts Yes
Subdomains Yes
Additional FTP Accounts Yes Bonus Features Details
MySQL Databases Yes Form-mail Script Yes
#1 Rated Control Panel - cPanel Yes PHP Nuke Yes
IMAP/secure IMAP Email Support Yes 1 click WordPress Install Yes
Email Solutions Yes 1 click b2evolution Install Yes
CGI-BIN Yes 1 click Joomla Install Yes
CGI Library Yes Web Blogs/Wordpress/b2evolution Yes
Server Side Includes Yes Mailing Lists Yes
Frontpage 2000/2002 Extensions Yes Image Galleries/Coppermine Yes
FTP Access Yes Poll and Survey Software Yes
Override .htaccess Support Yes Moodle Yes
Anonymous FTP Yes Mambo and Joomla Yes
Webmail (Browser Based Email) Yes phpForm Generator Yes
Log Files + Site Stats Yes PHP 5 Yes
Customizable Error Pages Yes Perl 5 Yes
Web File Manager Yes Python Yes
Custom Cronjobs Yes Ruby/Ruby On Rails Yes
Spam Assassin Protection Yes Support For Custom PHP.INI Files Yes
Online Statistics Details Javascript/DHTML Yes
AwStats Yes Flash/Shockwave Yes
Vistor Reporting Yes Help Center/Support Ticket Yes
Webalizer Yes Video Tutorials Yes
Sub-Domain Stats Yes Web Design Technolgy Details
Customer Support Details Dream Weaver Support Yes
Email Support Yes FREE Website Templates Yes
Video Tutorials Yes FTP Client Support Yes
Online Documents Yes FTP Access Yes
cpanel web hosting india
Online From builder Yes
CMS Software Yes
Gaurantees Details
99.9% Uptime Gaurantee Yes
website builder hosting india
30 Day Money Back Gaurantee Yes
Unlimited Hosting Signup
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